Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Join our Students For groups

We have now posted the links to our Students for groups. These will help us to create organizations for our candidates.
Check it out at http://www.collegedemocrat.googlepages.com


College Democrats of Binghamton University said...

Obama for Amerca. woohoo!

ObamaForOurFuture said...

I just graduated from BU with my MA.

I support Obama with time and money. This is the first and only candidate I have openly supported in any primary.

PLEASE contact any friends and family members in Iowa or New Hampshire to tell them they need to caucus and vote for Obama in their respective states.

This early surge will become a precedent for the rest of the election.

I have petitioned and campaigned for Obama in Oneonta to get him on our primary ballot.....

I never did this before, but I feel this election is EXTREMELY important to change the direction of this country!!!!!!

During break, read one of Obama's books (there is a writer's strike, after all!!!)