Thursday, September 06, 2007

McCain Further shows why he will not be a good President

Presidential hopeful John McCain showed his lack of knowledge in a Concord NH high school. When asked about LGBT rights, he asked What does LGBT mean? For the next president is this really what we want. IN the next 4-8 years the LGBT movement may be a big as the Civil Rights movement. This could be compared to asking Nixon or Eisenhower about Blacks and saying what is a black.
Earlier in the questioning one student asked about his age. If he was elected he would be 71 and thus the oldest president ever. Considering that at the end of Reagan's term he was beginning to suffer the onset of Alzheimer's, it is a valid question to ask if his health can really hold up through possibly the most stressful job in the world. Im no doctor but I do know that a 71 year old does not have the same capacities as a younger person. Also remember if he serves one term, he will be 76. If he than goes for a second term he would leave office at the age of 80. Do we really need an 80 year old president or the instability casued by a president dying in office?

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